Ok, so it's been awhile. I just decided that there really was absolutely no sense in posting for awhile.
So much of nothing has been going on for the last couple of months that I really haven't had much time to get my thoughts together to write anything.
I never really gave my review on Brokeback. I figured I went on and on about it for long enough. I didn't need to do it here. Maybe, it was way over hyped. Maybe, I would still love it even if it was another woman that caught Ennis's eye. But then again, maybe I wouldn't have. Regardless, it was still a good movie. Lord knows, I have spent money on worse drivel than Brokeback. Mission Impossible 2 comes to mind immediately. Of course, then again it was my birthday. I was 7 months pregnant and I really didn't want to see it anyway. Of course, I was being whiny. I am always whiny. To my credit, I have gotten a little less whiny since I'm not pregnant.
There have been so many movies that I wanted to see in the last few months, that for various reasons I just haven't. Rent and The Producers both come to mind. (Brinton and I had a conversation the other night, mostly concerning the poor taste in music and movies I have inccurred here lately.) Meanwhile, Syrianna is still at the house unwatched. I watched a movie the other morning about 4 am. Ahh yes, you know those type of movies. This one was different. Let me preface this by saying I hate war /spy movies. Very rarely is there ever one I really like. Yes, I can occasionally sit through Pearl Harbor and Saving Private Ryan. Some people don't like horror movies, I just tend not to like war movies. (What ever happened to warm fuzzy blankets and big soft teddy bears?) This one though, caught my eye.

Shining Through. I had never seen it before. Never heard of it. Of course, given the cave I lived in when this came out would probably explain alot. Michael Douglas, Melanie Griffith and Liam Neeson. Probably the worst tagline ever!
He needed to trust her with his secret. She had to trust him with her life.
It is the only war movie that I can think of that kept my attention, even at 4 am. Of course I'll have to watch it again just to be sure.
" That's what you like, isn't it? Civilized people, polite ladies with pedigrees who look good at the opera, and never make you laugh too hard, and never make you feel too much."
So much of nothing has been going on for the last couple of months that I really haven't had much time to get my thoughts together to write anything.
I never really gave my review on Brokeback. I figured I went on and on about it for long enough. I didn't need to do it here. Maybe, it was way over hyped. Maybe, I would still love it even if it was another woman that caught Ennis's eye. But then again, maybe I wouldn't have. Regardless, it was still a good movie. Lord knows, I have spent money on worse drivel than Brokeback. Mission Impossible 2 comes to mind immediately. Of course, then again it was my birthday. I was 7 months pregnant and I really didn't want to see it anyway. Of course, I was being whiny. I am always whiny. To my credit, I have gotten a little less whiny since I'm not pregnant.
There have been so many movies that I wanted to see in the last few months, that for various reasons I just haven't. Rent and The Producers both come to mind. (Brinton and I had a conversation the other night, mostly concerning the poor taste in music and movies I have inccurred here lately.) Meanwhile, Syrianna is still at the house unwatched. I watched a movie the other morning about 4 am. Ahh yes, you know those type of movies. This one was different. Let me preface this by saying I hate war /spy movies. Very rarely is there ever one I really like. Yes, I can occasionally sit through Pearl Harbor and Saving Private Ryan. Some people don't like horror movies, I just tend not to like war movies. (What ever happened to warm fuzzy blankets and big soft teddy bears?) This one though, caught my eye.

Shining Through. I had never seen it before. Never heard of it. Of course, given the cave I lived in when this came out would probably explain alot. Michael Douglas, Melanie Griffith and Liam Neeson. Probably the worst tagline ever!
He needed to trust her with his secret. She had to trust him with her life.
It is the only war movie that I can think of that kept my attention, even at 4 am. Of course I'll have to watch it again just to be sure.
" That's what you like, isn't it? Civilized people, polite ladies with pedigrees who look good at the opera, and never make you laugh too hard, and never make you feel too much."
You whinny ninny. (They rhyme.)
Oh, and Syriana would not have made it unwatched this long. Munich is at home. But don't tell anyone, since neither it, nor Syriana, is out on video yet. April.
Brinton, at 11:58 AM
Aw, Tina! That's a blast from the past! I remember a bunch of high school girls watching Shining Through at one of Sara's slumber parties. I think we might have cried :o)
Anonymous, at 7:01 AM
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